Natural treatment for UTIs and bladder infections

Written by Deborah
Posted in Health

An estimated 21% of women will experience some sort of urinary tract discomfort at least once a year. Women are more susceptible than men but men (particularly over 50) can also experience discomfort. Usually it will be a bacterial infection of the urinary tract (UTI) or the bladder (cystitis).

Natural treatment for UTIs and bladder infections

An estimated 21% of women will experience some sort of urinary tract discomfort at least once a year. Women are more susceptible than men but men (particularly over 50) can also experience discomfort. Usually it will be a bacterial infection of the urinary tract (UTI) or the bladder (cystitis).

Most minor infections will clear up by themselves within a few days but sometimes further intervention is necessary. If you suspect you have an infection, your Doctor will test your urine with a dipstick and may send a sample to the lab to identify which bacteria are present and which antibiotics will have the most beneficial effect.

Interstitial cystitis, sometimes called painful bladder syndrome, is a more chronic condition involving inflammation of the bladder wall without the presence of bacteria. The causes are not always known and treatment varies from lifestyle changes and bladder training to pain medications, bladder instillations and other interventions.

Signs and Symptoms of an infection

  1. Frequent urination, often with urgency
  2. Painful, often burning sensation when urinating
  3. Dark coloured or foul-smelling urine
  4. Lower abdominal or lower back pain
  5. Possible fever and generally feeling unwell

Natural treatment using herbal medicine

If the infection is caught early, high strength American cranberry extract or sodium citrate powder can be successful. Cranberry extract contains a substance that helps prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall and sodium citrate helps to alkalise the urine and prevent the bacteria from growing.

If the infection is more severe or not responding to early treatment or antibiotics, then Chinese herbal medicine can be useful. There is a whole category of disease based on traditional Chinese diagnostics relating to ‘painful urination syndrome’ which has been treated with herbal medicine for hundreds of years. Many Chinese herbs contain antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties that can target the bladder to relieve symptoms.

Your practitioner can prescribe Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) according to your symptoms that will target the bacteria present and improve the environment within your body that allowed the infection to begin. By rebalancing your internal environment, supporting your immune system and using specific herbs that have anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, we aim to heal the urinary tract and prevent recurrence of infection.

Self help treatment and prevention

  • Drink plenty of water (at least 2l per day) to increase your urine flow
  • Raspberry, flat leaf parsley or dandelion tea will also help
  • Try to alkalise your urine by adding sodium citrate (4g per 48 hours)
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea and fizzy drinks
  • Reduce your sugar intake (bacteria like sugar)
  • Eat more garlic and onions
  • Always wipe from front to back
  • Avoid perfumed and unnatural soaps and hygiene products
  • Wear loose fitting natural fibres and cotton underwear
  • Try to urinate after intercourse

It also worth noting any emotional link to your symptoms – quite literally, have you been feeling ‘pissed off’? In TCM, emotions, particularly anger and resentment, can create heat and fire that can affect bladder function. Acupuncture can be particularly beneficial at helping restore smooth flow and a sense of calm to the body where there is an emotional component.

For any questions about painful urination, UTIs and how acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine might help you, please get in touch.


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